Best Day of School Ever!! – Get this Awesome program at your kids school. Many schools qualify for  this ‘no cost’ grant funded program. Contact us for more info.


What Is Youth Bicycle Education?-Youth Bicycle Education is a fun, multi-day active in-school event for students (4th – 9th grade) to learn biking and safety skills in a safe and comfortable environment. The first day of program will start with an in-classroom presentation (no bike riding). The second day (and the following days) the students will be riding bicycles provided by BikeVC and will. Ride various agility courses on open school blacktop. The students to practice important skills necessary to ride a bike safely and confidently. Students will learn how to perform a safety inspection on their bikes and properly adjust their bike helmets to fit properly.
First Time Learners – As some students have not yet learned how to balance on a bicycle. We will have an area available for them to safely practice (most students will be able to balance and ride by the end of the program).

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