Interview with VCCool’s Director

VCCOOL historical|

Phil Taggart’s “Community Impact” TV talk show, interview’s Rachel Morris,... Read More Interview with VCCool’s Director

City Planning is Key for a Green City

Advocacy, Event Blog|

Who Decides? Should the grocery store be on the edge of town, or in the neighborhood? What saves more... Read More City Planning is Key for a Green City

Celebrate Green Lanes!

Advocacy, Event Blog|

We have green lanes! Help us celebrate by riding with us and decorating cookies. Meet at Loma Vista School on... Read More Celebrate Green Lanes!

Thank you, City Council!

Advocacy, Event Blog, Ventura Bike HUB|

The Ventura Bike Union gave the City Council and staff a sincere “thank you” at last week’s... Read More Thank you, City Council!

Fresh Eggs from your Back Yard

VCCOOL historical|

Chickens are  a great addition to a home-grown veggie garden. They reduce bugs, eat scraps, provide... Read More Fresh Eggs from your Back Yard

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