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We have a new leader in our ranks, Donald Flaherty came on board as BVC Executive Director early this year.  Besides his many years’ experience in the non-profit sector, we asked him a few questions specific to cycling.

Donald Flaherty

Q1:  Bikes are a lot of different things to different people, transportation or exercise or fun, for example. What is a bike to you? 

A:  I use my bike primarily for transportation. I like to minimize my carbon footprint and riding my bike for errands and events close to my home helps me do so.

Q2:  What new and exciting things will Bike Ventura customers and partners see in 2025? 

A:  I am very excited about our  “Spring Clean” event at the Bike Ventura HUB. I think it’s going to be a great opportunity to focus on the organization’s mission and engage with the community in exciting new ways.

Q3:  How can Bike Ventura reach out and engage more with the community, to new persons and organizations? 

A:  The “Spring Clean” event I think is a perfect example of the ways Bike Ventura can engage with our community and attract new people and volunteers to the organization. Our goal is to create a world class bike kitchen and gathering space that the community can be extremely proud of.  

Q4:  In a perfect world, what is your dream bike and ride? 

A:  I love a good street bike, something that can handle a variety of terrains in an urban area.  I also love to bike when I visit other countries. I feel like riding is one of the best ways to connect with locals and really see a new place. Singapore is currently at the top of my list of places to visit. So spending time there and doing rides around the city is my dream ride.

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