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Who Decides?

Should the grocery store be on the edge of town, or in the neighborhood? What saves more resources – building a new community center or repurposing a historic one? Why do we pay to pump water to our gardens, and then flush rainwater down the drain? A typical home built in 1930 700 square feet, a typical home built in 2012 is over 2000 square feet, while family size is shrinking. Is there safe, convenient bike storage at the bus stop?

At VCCool, we think a community weighing in about city planning can make a huge difference! That’s why we worked tirelessly with City Planning Staff and other organizations like CAUSE, and ASERT, to help create greener plans and code for the City of Ventura.

VCCool’s Westside Code Recommendations

You can take a look at recommendations we created, with input and negotiations with City Staff. This 35 page document provided recommendations about the Westside Specific Code.

We would like to give a special thank you to Dave Ward, Senior City Planner who spent countless hours working with us to craft language acceptable to the project. We would also like to thank CAUSE organizers for helping to host Avenue workshops, and for meeting with city staff and presenting key elements of design.

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