
Hello Cyclists and Community Leaders,

VCTC is seeking input from bicycle riders of all ages and ability levels to shape our Regional Bicycle Wayfinding Program. Please share this email with your friends, colleagues and fellow cyclists.

The goal of the Wayfinding Program is to make it easier to navigate Ventura County by bicycle. The first step is identifying intercity and cross-county routes. Whether you bike to work, to school, to stay in shape or simply for fun, we want to hear from you!

Between Dec. 9, 2015 and Jan. 29, 2016, we invite you to share your thoughts with our Bicycle Wiki Map. Log-in to take a brief survey, so we know what kind of cyclist you are, and then create bike routes through the interactive map. If you track your bike rides with GPS or Strava, you can upload your routes to be included in the project.

Public input is an essential part of this project. To make meaningful improvements to Ventura County’s bicycle network, we need to hear from people who are out there using the system and understand its challenges. Please encourage people in your network to participate.

Through the Regional Bicycle Wayfinding Program, VCTC will develop a plan that designates important regional bike routes and specifies design rules and signage templates that help cyclists easily find and navigate them. The plan will also prioritize gaps in the regional network of bike paths for future improvements. Cities across the County will use the plan to install regionally consistent signage and plan future bicycle projects in their jurisdictions.

For more information, contact Richard Holzer, Planning Analyst, at or (805) 642-1591 Ext. 102

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