Imagine a place where it is safe for children to ride their bikes to school and the beach. Let’s make this dream a reality.
Organizing to make Ventura a bicycle-friendly place to live!
We are always looking for people to get involved in Advocacy. Show support at community rides, gathering and/or speaking at city council and community council meetings, providing input at meetings, or just doing research. We have a place for you!
- Local – research and commissions
- Ventura County – partner with county supervisors and Ventura County Traffic Commission (VCTC) and advocate for policy, grants, and funding
- Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) – ensure Ventura County is visible for funding and bikes are seen as policy
- State – watch state policy and sign letters of support to help build strength, momentum, and unity
- Local – work closely with local engineers to review and make suggestions, research and advocate for implementation of best practices, evaluate adherence to master plan, and reports from Bicycle Advisory Committee.
- County – provide feedback, educate, and evaluate best practice implementation to county public works
- VCTC – ensure partnership with VCTC for proposed projects and funding
- Research current best practices, safe cycling in other communities and applicability to Ventura
- Local – be a local champion! Educate neighbors and friends on safety, projects, policy, and infrastructure changes
- Spread the word about City/community council events as needed
- Spread the word about County Supervisors events as needed
- Bike Safety Classes – coordinate and host safety classes and bike rodeos
- Helmets – provide free to low cost helmets and teach about safe fit
- Schools – bike safety education at schools, safe riding skills, etc.
- HUB – ensure HUB is stocked with information/pamphlets about safe riding, educate staff and volunteers, and host community workshops
- Events – participate in various community events to gain exposure for BikeVentura Advocacy, educate community about bikes, bicycle safety, and infrastructure updates
- Valet Parking – Assist and host Bike Valet Parking Project at community events