
Bike Ventura County’s (aka BikeVC) mission is to grow a safe, healthy community through equitable bicycle education, empowerment, and advocacy.

People will participate in our bike safety trainings this year
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Bikes will be restored and back in the community
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Miles of community bike rides throughout Ventura County
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Growing a safe, healthy community

Learn traffic skills to be safer and more confident cyclist

New community program – Teaching how to maintain and keep your bike in safe working condition 

Learn how to fix your bike by taking one of our Bikesmithing courses

Visit our community bike repair shop in Ventura for help fixing your bike, finding a part you might need, or picking up a newly refurbished bike that’s right for you

Join us on our free community bike rides on some of our favorite trails in Ventura County

Let’s make Ventura County into the top tier bike & pedestrian community – here

Learn about our work at local schools educating youth on safely riding their bikes

Join us.

Volunteer with us.

BikeVC relies on our volunteers for everything from wrenching at the HUBS, organizing rides, staffing special events, leading workshops, and assisting with our daily admin activities. Learn more about volunteering here.


Participate in our community bike rides and more.

Join in on our community bike rides, meetings, special events, workshops, and more. Visit our Events page to learn what’s coming up.

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